Campus dorms WIFI


Dec 22, 2009
Hey guys
So my campus supplies us with 4 ethernet ports which is not the problem. Problem is that if i connect a router to it it either doesn't pick up or it just dosconnects if theres more than one device connected to it (only one device per login). However if i connect my laptop and use connectify the hotspot works fine but the problem is its difficult for me to leave my laptop all the time on as I use it in class so to connect it everytike i come back to my room is a pain. Is there any solution to this as to why connectify will work and a router wont. Any help appreciated. Thanks
Does your campus allow you to create a WiFi network in your room? Most don't and their network likely prevents what you are trying to do.

If it is allowed. You could always pickup some beatup old laptop computer from Goodwill. Pop in a good WiFi USB adapter then just leave it closed and turned on. Creating a WiFi hotspot for yourself.
Does your campus allow you to create a WiFi network in your room? Most don't and their network likely prevents what you are trying to do.

If it is allowed. You could always pickup some beatup old laptop computer from Goodwill. Pop in a good WiFi USB adapter then just leave it closed and turned on. Creating a WiFi hotspot for yourself.