Can’t get m.2 to show.


Sep 14, 2014
I don’t know if it’s a combatablilty issue, I’m hoping someone knows a bit more than I and could figure this one out.

I have a m.2 drive (wd black 512gb)

And my motherboard x99-e (running latest bios)

The m.2 isn’t empty it has a fresh copy of Windows 10 and still isn’t being recognized. I’m still unsure if pcie nvme is any different than pcie ssd. I would assume not right? And if it is a comparability issue would I just be able to get a m.2 pcie expansion to solve the issue?

Thanks for any help if possible.


you will ahve to reinstall windows on that drive. but your BIOS will detect it at least. be sure the adapter you are getting is a PCIE 3.0 x4 or you wont get the full benefits of that nvme drive of yours.
can you descibe to us how you installed the win10 in that drive? im confused how you were able to in the first place...

have you checked your BIOS settings?
* SATA mode to AHCI
* Boot mode to CSM disabled/UEFI enabled/UEFI+legacy depending on your BIOS
* disable secure boot (ignore if setting is unavailable)

and try reinstalling the OS if any of the settings above were changed.

and how did you attach that nvme drive to your mobo btw. it doesnt have onboard support for nvme. are you usuing a nvme to pcie adapter? you should check your PCIE/PEG config in BIOS if you are.

I had the windows install done on a previous motherboard and that one had since locked up but I know the m.2 still worked because I tried it on another motherboard just to make sure. So two separate motherboards at this point.

Also everything you had asked was already done apart from turning off secure boot which is grayed out.

As for how I have it connected, I just slotted it into the m.2 connector.

That’s kinda what I assumed just wanted to get a second opinion. Now if I got a adapter I would be able to boot windows from there correct?
you will ahve to reinstall windows on that drive. but your BIOS will detect it at least. be sure the adapter you are getting is a PCIE 3.0 x4 or you wont get the full benefits of that nvme drive of yours.