Can 3200mhz ddr4 ram work on msi B150m bazooka 2133 Mobo?


Jul 29, 2016
I'm planning on buying a new system.
I decided on i5 6500 and a msi b150m Bazooka mobo.
Motherboard supports 2133 mhz

But there is not much price difference between 2x8gb ddr4 3200mhz (79$) and 2133mhz(69$) rams.
Because of that I want to buy the 3200 mhz version. For futureproof.

What ı want to ask is that is it possible to use those ram
on this mobo msi b150m bazooka

Btw is that mobo good for the cpu. I'm trying to make a budget system.
I have a ati 6950 graphics card will wait for gtx 1060 and rx480 prices to go down a bit to replace it.
I'll probably use thermaltake core v21 small case. (really liked its design)
I dotn think of sli cf etc. The only thing I'm not sure is
that should I go for i5 6600k + z170 mobo (is it worth)
If you plan on selling, k-version + Z170 board will probably give you the better value.
M.2 will replace s-ata for SSDs sooner or later as you can achieve much higher speeds.

The MSI Z170A-G43 Plus seems like a decent board if price is an issue
In the link you provided it states " *DDR4 2133 MHz and higher memory modules will only run at maximum of DDR4 2133 MHz due to Intel© chipset limitation"

So if you buy a 3200MHz Ram it will work like a 2133MHz module.

The K is only worth it when you intend to overclock.
I'd use an H170 board (provided it meets all your requirements for the price, f.e. USB 3.1, Micro-ATX, etc.) and the 6500
Maybe get 16gb Ram.
Fast ram is not much worth it for Intel processors with a dedicated graphics card.
Yes, it is possible, because DDR4 ram will operate at 2133 by default.
3200 speed is achieved by overclocking the ram which may or may not be possible on your motherboard.

On a budget, I suggest a I3-6100 will be a better mid range gaming cpu.
The higher clock speed is important for most games; particularly strategy, sims, and mmo types.

The i5-6600K with an overclock is as good as it gets for gaming today.
For that, you will need a Z170 based motherboard.

If such an upgrade in the future is a possibility, buy a Z170 motherboard up front for the i3-6100.

Can you be more specific about which h170 you would prefer.

I usually play mmos. My old system cant handle new gen mmos especially.
In that condition will u still advise i3-6100 or higher ?

What is the cpu in your current system?

The i5-6500@3.2 has a passmark rating of 7044 and a single thread rating of 1943.
By comparison, the i3-6100@3.7 has a total rating of 5500 but a stronger single thread rating of 2102.
It also costs less. Most mmo games depend on the performance of the single master thread so single thread performance is most important.
There is also the I3-6300@3.8 and I3-6320@3.9, but I do not know if the extra performance is worth it.

For ultimate performance, a zi70 motherboard and a I5-6600k@3.5 has a single thread rating of 2126 at stock.
But, it can be overclocked past 4.5 depending on your luck in getting a good chip.
As of 5/2016
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane 1.40v Vcore.

5.0 2%
4.9 11%
4.8 36%
4.7 64%
4.6 88%

depends on the features you want.
USB 3.1? yes? no?
using some usb headset? a 5./7.1 speakerset?
ATX sized case? or µATX?
is aesthetics important to you?
how many fans should it support?

there are so many things to factor in.
of course a 180$ board is just the bomb, but maybe given your needs an 80$ provides the same worth to you

5.0 2%
4.9 11%
4.8 36%
4.7 64%
4.6 88%
I just read a test overclocking an i5-6600k to 4.5/4.6 GHz,. there was a 2% performance gain.....
I have an old system with e8400 core 2 duo , ati 6950 1gb graphics card
I have the budget to even buy i7-6700k but I want to buy the best budget performance pc.
(in todays conditions - new graphic cards etc. coming it is not a right time to buy high end system imo - especially in my country Türkiye)
New tech in my country is overpriced. Like 150$ or so on graphic cards. Cpu prices are ok.

And I want to be able to sell it in near future easily.
Tried to explain the situation on another topic. I work on merchant ships. (I got no reply on that topic)
I dont use the system more than 4 months a year.
I'll try to sell the system before I go to work. (with around %15-20 loss)
Otherwise I lose more. It will be like renting the system.

I dont use headsets
usb 3.1 should be good
atx - matx both ok. I dont want to give much money on mobo
(I'm not sure about thermaltake core v21, costs around 90$ in my country)
m.2 - is it a tech we'll benefit in near future btw ?
average fan support is ok I think

I think I at least need an i5 for new gen mmos,mobas like black desert,guild wars 2,paragon,bless.

thanks for the replies btw - sorry for bad english
If you plan on selling, k-version + Z170 board will probably give you the better value.
M.2 will replace s-ata for SSDs sooner or later as you can achieve much higher speeds.

The MSI Z170A-G43 Plus seems like a decent board if price is an issue