Can a CPU get worn down?


Nov 19, 2013
im thinking about running folding@home, but i want to know if it will shorten/decrease the lifespan of my cpu. heat is not an issue, i get 60C on full load.

i have the i7 4770K
Yes it is called Silicon Degradation. Over time your CPU degrades and begins needing higher and higher voltages to maintain its over clock.

"im thinking about running folding@home, but i want to know if it will shorten/decrease the lifespan of my cpu. heat is not an issue, i get 60C on full load."

Probably will last a good long time because it looks like you are running stock speeds. Are you overclocked/turboed at all?
Yes it is called Silicon Degradation. Over time your CPU degrades and begins needing higher and higher voltages to maintain its over clock.

"im thinking about running folding@home, but i want to know if it will shorten/decrease the lifespan of my cpu. heat is not an issue, i get 60C on full load."

Probably will last a good long time because it looks like you are running stock speeds. Are you overclocked/turboed at all?

Well it could all be a matter of perspective. I have seen it first hand but I overclock too. It may be so in a stock environment but I don't tend to keep CPUs long enough to know. Have to fire up that old 486 of mine. 😛

Under normal clocks and voltages wear will still happen , but I suspect the cpu will old and outdated before it becomes an issue that affects the performance of the computer

Personally I have run cpu's with a 50% OC for 5+ years . The cooling was as good as air cooling can get . The processor still works , but its now at stock clocks and just getting my email