Can a Discrete Graphics Card drive an ASUS Thunderbolt EX II Card


Feb 25, 2015
Apple Thunderbolt Display Owners would like to build Discrete Graphics based PC gaming rigs and utilize their displays. These display sit in the thunderbolt chain.

The ASUS Z97 Motherboards with a ASUS Thunderbolt EX II expansion card say to drive the expansion card with the Motherboard graphics. Has anyone tried or reviewed discrete graphics driving the expansion card?

Thanks for the post iamacow

Anandtech review of ASUS Z97-Deluxe (NFC & WLC) MB version that incudes the Thunderbolt 2 expansion card never tested the expansion card, just mentioned it and did the price difference with and without.

Toms Review,25808.html covered the data storage performance.

Seems Most PC gamers reviewers don't have Apple Thunderbolt Display laying around to hook up.

I have one and i would love to use it! I am looking for a thunderbolt motherboard with Z77 chipset but they are very hard to find. Lucid Virtu MVP is a program that comes with the mb and it sends data from the GPU('s) to the display connectors on the motherboard.