Yup, do not underestimate 4k, or it'll bite you back and cost you quite a lot of $ to get it stable again

I have ran 4k before with a single 780, but it wasn't enough, well it was enough for maybe some old games, but when there are too many things/details on my screen, I start to lag and can't play until I look and turn to somewhere that has less details. My systems were getting kinda hot, near 80C every time I run 4k, most people probably think that's a normal temperature, but I prefer my systems super cooled, and so I have overkilled 4k
😀 Now I can run it without any problems. But unless you are willing to spend $3000+, then don't go for 4k yet. I have spent near $10,000 for this, so do be careful when you are ready for 4k