[SOLVED] Can a Mac plug and play a printer?

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Apr 10, 2009
Can a Mac support plug and play the printer? My brother has a Mac laptop and I wonder if the printer can just plug and play with Mac.

I am a windows 7 user and I can just plug in the usb of my canon printer to my PC and windows 7 will automatically detect the printer and I can use it without installing any software or cd. I do not know if a Mac can do something like this too.

You guess wrong. The Mac users here are clever enough to load drivers and software if necessary. I can't remember how I installed my HP printer but, as my Mac doesn't have an optical drive, I guess I probably took the easy step of getting the software from the HP website.
I do not have a Mac now. The Mac is with my brother and he is overseas now. Anyway thanks for all help, I guess the people here in this forum are all using Windows since nobody have any experience of connecting a Mac with a printer.
You guess wrong. The Mac users here are clever enough to load drivers and software if necessary. I can't remember how I installed my HP printer but, as my Mac doesn't have an optical drive, I guess I probably took the easy step of getting the software from the HP website.
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