Question Can a Red USB port power a 5v/2amp device ?

Apr 19, 2023
I have an Aorus X470 gaming ultra motherboard with a red usb port on the back.

Can I use this to power a device that requires 5vs and 2 amps (just power, no data).

Can I power the device from two usb ports, use an adapter with a SATA or molex connection?

Basically is there any way at all that I can power it directly from my pc without needing an external power supply.

Please don't ask me why, I just need to know if it's doable.
I have an Aorus X470 gaming ultra motherboard with a red usb port on the back.

Can I use this to power a device that requires 5vs and 2 amps (just power, no data).

Can I power the device from two usb ports, use an adapter with a SATA or molex connection?

Basically is there any way at all that I can power it directly from my pc without needing an external power supply.

Please don't ask me why, I just need to know if it's doable.
A single USB3 port can provide only up to 0,9A but you can use 2 or more ports with parallel connection (power only).
As an example. 2.5" USB connected external HDDs usually come with 2 USB-A to 1 splitter cables of which one is power only.
Basic answer is NO. As CountMike said above, a standard USB 3.2 port can supply 5 VDC at up to 0.9 A to a user device. (Your mobo manual calls several of your ports USB 3.1 Gen1 or Gen2, but today's labels call them USB 3.2 Gen 1 or 2.) Your mobo does NOT say any of those can do more than 0.9 A per port. The difference between Gen1 and Gen2 versions is only in their max data transfer rate, and they are NOT different in terms of amp limit.

To get 2.0 A from ports limited to 0.9 A each you would need to connect THREE such ports together in parallel. Although you may find a Splitter to convert one port to two outputs like this

I have not seen any with more than two outputs. Hypothetically you could use TWO such Splitters "stacked" to get you three outputs from one source port. BUT then you also need to get three Type A connecting cables like this

to connect each of the three "outputs" of that stack to separate USB 3.2 Type A ports on your back panel. THEN the single "input" connector of your stack should be plugged into the user device to supply the combined power of three host ports. Be AWARE that I have never seen anyone suggest this type of rig, so you are taking a big risk. It is entirely possible that the wires on those Splitters are NOT able to handle the current from THREE standard USB 3.2 ports. It is also possible that such a combination does not work for three ports, but I don't know that for sure.

IF you choose to go this route, I see on p. 11 of your mobo manual that the rear panel has four USB 3.2 Gen1 ports (item keys b and c) you could use for this. No need to use the red Gen2 port.

Since this plan would involve buying several devices and making connections with unknown risk to your system, consider instead a simple stand-alone USB charger like this

You get the power you need from ONE of the outputs of the unit, but NO data transfer ability because it has no connection to your computer. It just plugs into a wall outlet and draws NO power from your computer.
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Reactions: CountMike
By the sounds of it, what you want is a BC1.2 USB Fast Charging adapter rated at 5V 2.1A. Front panel mount adapters exist, e.g. this cheap-and-cheerful "no name" brand on eBay. The red USB port on the left derives its power from a standard SATA disk drive power connector. As for the quality of this unit, who can say?|tkp:Bk9SR-jsy_OTYg

