Can a single GTX 680 handle 3d surrond gaming?


Mar 29, 2010
Just curious and dreaming about it. :bounce:
Can a single 2GB GTX 680 run a game like Battlefield 3 or Crysis 2 at 30+ fps on three displays at 1080p with Nvidia 3d enabled? Or do I need two or three 4GB GTX 680 in SLI?
Another question, is there a game that is PhysX enabled with 3D Surrond support? I am thinking that a game like that would need three way sli.


Jul 2, 2012
You could do 3D on a single 680 with 2 gigabytes of memory however it would be advisable to get a 4 gigabyte card. Which in turn would put you in the ballpark of what Alex is experiencing 30-40 fps in games. There are games that use physx and are 3D surround supported. You would do just fine with two 680's that had 4 gigabytes of ram to give you the room you needed.

Both PHYSX and Surround
Borderlands 2
Batman Arkham City
METRO Last Light
METRO 2033

I know BF3 does 3D and surround as well
Crysis 2 does both 3D and surround


Jul 2, 2012
Well as i said, if he dont have the money a singel GTX 680 is more than enough, atleast a 4gb version than u can ugrade later.
Though Im not saying you can run 3x3D monitors in surrond that reqruires atleast 2x670's and better 2 680's in sli.

Im using a semi 3d surround setup with 2 2D monitors left and right, and 1 3D in the middel. It reqruires a lot less of your GPU so even a 2gb 680 would be good. But get the 4gb.
Iv tested this with 670's and 680's