Can an API utilize SLI/CrossFireb better?


Oct 31, 2015
I have little to no knowledge of game/software development.

I have heard of the upcoming APIs: DX12 (Microsoft) and Vulkan (Kronos), inspired by Mantle (AMD).

Both better utilize multiple CPU cores an improvement of previous generations (DX11 and OpenGL).

On a different subject, I have heard of SLI/CrossFire.

However there are very few games that take advantage of multiple GPUs. Because of this, and the other drawbacks, SLI/CrossFire is simply not worth it.

What I wonder is, can APIs be used to better utilize multiple GPUs in one set up?
It is certainly possible. Different apis can leverage cards in more efficient manner.


So developers must optimize games to take advantage of these kinds of features. This is slightly disappointing because of the reason stated in the article, "Optimization has always been pretty poor on PC titles..."

I am worried that developers might not bother to implement such features into future games. 🙁