I'm aware that most games are GPU limited, but I was more wondering in the CPU dependent settings of games, if the i5-2500k would be able to max it out.
My system specs are
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
16GB Patriot Gamer Series 1600mhz DDR3 RAM
ATI Radeon 5870x2 Crossfired 1GB VRAM
i5-2500k @ stock
250GB + 160GB 7200RPM HDD
1050W OEM PSU taken from an HP XW 9400 Workstation
No case
If the i5-2500k runs everything fine, I don't think I'll overclock it yet.
I think your first try out would be the soon to be released Max Payne 3, recommended configuration follows:
OS: Windows 7 32/64-bit SP1, Vista 32/64-bit SP2, XP 32/64-bit SP3
CPU: Core i7-3930K or AMD FX8150
GPU: GTX 680 2GB or HD 7970 3GB
Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0 compatible / Direct X 9.0 compatible with Dolby Digital Live
Storage: 35GB
You see.. they recommend an i7 6-core Intel Cpu.. 12 threads!!
Wait for some benchmarks to see if a 6-core does make difference or not. If yes, probably OCling your 2500k shall give a performance boost.