Can an i5 2500k max every game?



Can an i5 2500k play every game at max settings right now?

If it can, I think I will hold off getting an aftermarket cooler and overclocking it for now.


Apr 18, 2012
We need your GPU information in order to help you. Most games are focused on GPU, not necessarily CPU.

Though of course CPU does matter, 2500k is top of the line for gaming. I'm sure as long as you have a good dedicated graphics card, you'll be fine in the CPU department. I've seen many people say they've successfully overclocked it slightly while still using the stock cooler, so look into that, as well.



I'm aware that most games are GPU limited, but I was more wondering in the CPU dependent settings of games, if the i5-2500k would be able to max it out.

My system specs are

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
16GB Patriot Gamer Series 1600mhz DDR3 RAM
ATI Radeon 5870x2 Crossfired 1GB VRAM
i5-2500k @ stock
250GB + 160GB 7200RPM HDD
1050W OEM PSU taken from an HP XW 9400 Workstation

No case

If the i5-2500k runs everything fine, I don't think I'll overclock it yet.
It's always easier to install an aftermarket cooler during the initial build even if you don't overclock right away.

That way you don't have to disassemble your system to install a cooler later on.
(*If your case is the type that gives you unrestricted access to the motherboard socket back plate area you can add an aftermarket cooler with disassembley)

Another bonus is cooler running CPU even if not overclocked.


Jun 15, 2008

I think your first try out would be the soon to be released Max Payne 3, recommended configuration follows:

OS: Windows 7 32/64-bit SP1, Vista 32/64-bit SP2, XP 32/64-bit SP3
CPU: Core i7-3930K or AMD FX8150
GPU: GTX 680 2GB or HD 7970 3GB
Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0 compatible / Direct X 9.0 compatible with Dolby Digital Live
Storage: 35GB

You see.. they recommend an i7 6-core Intel Cpu.. 12 threads!!
Wait for some benchmarks to see if a 6-core does make difference or not. If yes, probably OCling your 2500k shall give a performance boost.