Can anybody explain me what is gpu clearance??


Oct 5, 2015
I have Coolermaster k380 case and motherboard h110m-k(only one pcie slot). The gpu clearance for the first slot is 279mm but maximum is 316mm
My questions are
Why there are different cleareance for differnet slots?
The first slot cleareance which is 279 mm. Is it with or without the hdd(if i put my hdd in different slot can i extend my gpu cleareance)?
Lastly i am planning to buy Msi gtx gaming x 1060 which length is 277mm according to Msi official website. Will it be fit in my case?

2mm clearance should be enough space to fit the graphics card
might be hitting the bottom of the 5.25" Drive Bays

2mm clearance should be enough space to fit the graphics card
Clearance is determined by your case so if say one slot is obstructed by the hard drive tray and another is not, then they would have different values. Also, on same cases some of the hard drive trays are removable, thus giving you a with and without clearance numbers.

Can you please explain what you are trying to say on the power cable. I didn't understand it properly