I recently discovered that I have a cpu bottleneck. So I thought after some time that I should try my hand at overclocking. I have an and fx 6350 at 3.9 ghz using 1.3v. I'm using AMD overdrive to overclock it. Using this tool I raised it from 3.9 ghz to 4.0 ghz with out messing with the voltage. I started up crysis 3 and the whole game starts to get choppy. I thought It was because I didn't raise the voltage. So I went back and each time I increased the voltage to from 1.3 to 1.3125, 1.3250 so on and so on in increments of 0.0125v yet there is still that choppiness and system instability. Am I forgetting to overclock something else? I will provide my system spec upon request. Thank you in advance
Ps I am fairly new at oc'ing as you can probably tell
Ps I am fairly new at oc'ing as you can probably tell