Can anyone help me troubleshoot my Whea BSOD issue


Jul 18, 2011
The past few days ive been having a lot of blue screening which has been killing me as i am streaming my gaming almost daily now.
I noticed a couple weeks back or so i was having a pfn list corrupt bsod.
Now its like 2-6 times a day, with the whea uncorrectable error showing and the bsod being stuck at 0% for god knows how long. I have to restart the comp cuz of that % not going anywhere.

I read on another post on here about making sure its not a faulty strip which ive just gone to the trouble of replacing because i was having a bizarre issue with the network going down when the pc crashed.
The first thing that was asked for was a SS of a bluescreenview thing which i have but it only shows the pfn bsod that hasnt happened again in some time.

Heres what my bluescreenviewer looks like.

I read that this issue can commonly be related to overclocking but the only OCing i have is i think its called XMP in the bios to enable my 2133mhz corsair dom plat ram to run at 2133 instead of 1888 i think is what it was out of the box.

What should i do?
I am relieved you could get back into windows. I wish verifer didn't break windows in its attempt to fix drivers.

main difference between reset and fresh install is reset would have just deleted contents of C, not reformatted entire drive. In most cases, this is the same effect but if you had another partition on the HDD C is on, a reset wouldn't require deleting it, a fresh install might.

If you haven't had a WHEA error since the ones you reported, I wouldn't go trying to force it out. I had thought verifer would help but as usual, it only made things worse.
OMG what??? wow i read something about that when i googled the issue and thought it wouldnt apply to me, im wondering why i still see the image on my desktop then.... i did like photobucket for a while there guess im moving on lol
Can you follow option one here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)

Try running this on CPU:
Okay so i went thru step one, was i just supposed to be enabling automatic restart on system failure? It says to "select either of the options below" under the drop down box in the system failure section but that drop down has 6 options to pick from the default of which is Kernel memory dump, should i change this to something else?

And the file that would have been created what would it be called exactly would u know cuz i looked to see if a file would already exist there and i see a memory.dmp but thats it atm.

Also what cloud server would u recommend? I dont know of any off the top of my head unless github counts but ive never tried making my own thing there.

Im installing the diagnostic tool as im typing this.

The instructions show a screen shot below each choice of how the windows should look, so for the question you asked,. you choose Small memory dump (256kb) from the list and it will create the folder in c/windows/minidump that may/may not exist yet.

I would use Google drive or One drive
Alright so i got it set to small memory dump but theres no minidump file yet.
Is there anything else i can try or do? The cpu diagnostic i ran returned with a pass.
I havent had the crash happen in like 2 days tho, ever since i updated windows. Not sure if that coulda been the problem or what happened. I tend to ignore updates but now on windows 10 i get them done whenever i get a pop up, sometimes ill manually check. I hate being forced to install updates tho, i rly miss windows 7.

quotemsg=20000316,0,2007449]The instructions show a screen shot below each choice of how the windows should look, so for the question you asked,. you choose Small memory dump (256kb) from the list and it will create the folder in c/windows/minidump that may/may not exist yet.

I would use Google drive or One drive[/quotemsg]

If the WHEA errors are caused by a driver, we can try to flush it out using Driver verifer.

You can try running driver verifer, just read the instructions carefully. It is part of win 10 designed to find misbehaving drivers. It will cause BSOD, that is its job since it tests drivers.
note: sometimes this will put you into a boot loop so it helps to have a win 10 installer handy to get out again. Also helps to run system restore before hand to create a backup to roll back to if necessary. Download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB
Once it bsod, run Who crashed and see what driver it reveals

The instructions to stop it looping are in the link above I will show u anyway
change boot order so USB is first, hdd second
boot from installer
on screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install.
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up options
hit the restart button
choose a safe mode (it doesn't matter which) by using number associated with it.
Pc will restart and load safe mode
Now open command Prompt
type verifer /reset and press enter
restart PC
Okay so my computer is now officially down i cant do anything with it...
I got a tracker.sys blue screen with stressing, and then i couldnt get back in so i tried the command line and nothing changed so i tried a repair from the windows repair screen, tried restoring to my restore point, tried restoring to an older point, tried going into safe mode to restore from both points, tried using the win 10 drive to do the restores and repair.... no luck so now idk how to get back into my windows install.
What i get after a failed attempt to restore from within safe mode is like... damn i cant remember if it crashed straight to this pop up or what but the thing says.....
System Restore
System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

System Restore Failed to extract the original copy of the directory from the restore point.
Source: %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps
Destination: AppxStaging
An unspecified error occurred during system restore. (0x80070026)

You can try System Restore again and choose a different restore point. If you continue to see this error, you can try an advanced recovery method.

This couldnt be because i tried adding a safemode option as a boot device to pick from right? I did it thru the a command prompt deal

So yeah now im stuck with the checker.sys bsod loop 🙁 lol i was hoping to get a lot of work and streaming done tonight and figured i should knock this thing out of the way first... lol

Every time this happens it makes me more resistant to suggesting driver verifer to next person

did you try to boot from installer
on screen after languages, choose repair this PC, not install.
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose command prompt
type verifer /reset and press enter - restart PC

I offer the safe mode choice as its normally more reliable

is there anything on C drive you want to save/can't afford to lose? try making this on another PC:

If you can save everything off C you want to keep. I would suggest a reset
boot from installer, on 2nd screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install
choose troubleshoot
choose reset this PC
Choose keep files/settings
PC will restart and reinstall win 10, it only effects C drive so any other partitions/drives will be ignored/not effected. Will need to reinstall all programs again.
Only advantage is if the WHEA error was caused by software, chances are you won't get same drivers again.

Sorry, I hate it when this happens.
Thanks for the apology i know this has to suck for you to. I think i need to wake up a bit more before i try all this out but to respond to a couples things youve said so far, I had originally done the verifier reset from within a command prompt in the pop windows repair that to me looks exactly like the same menu from the windows 10 repair options on the usb stick u had me make. I then tried whatever the command is that it asks you to run to list drivers so you know its running, so it was properly done and not running anymore as no drivers were listed. I even just for safe measure had gone into safe mode to reset verifier and checked again if the drivers would show to make sure it was reset, and it was reset.
So is this windows install pretty much bricked at this point?
The worst part for me as it takes me forever to get all my files in windows explorer in the quick access menu and all that stuff sorted out properly. I still dont fully understand why sometimes i can organize that list and sometimes cant, but i desperately need it setup the way it was so i can find everything i use. I also have very important games and their saves scattered across the drive aswell as settings for software i use for streaming that i dont know where it keeps the files and settings, and in the case of the games, the saves... The last time i had an install pretty much brick on me it was so overwhelming having to figure out what i needed and didnt need, and how to find where things were for each individual piece of software that i just caved and started all over from scratch and it was just pure agony.

Is there no way to rebuild the install or like most of the settings/locations of everything, even if the installs of software gets broken?

I can just move everything off my c drive onto another drive for the time being and then ur saying to do a reset as opposed to reinstalling? Any particular reason or is it just cuz its faster? If im making a full backup of the drive to another drive do i really need to bother with your suggested step of following the links guide? It seemed kinda redundant from my quick scan of the title and first few sentences, but if youve got a very good reason behind why i should do that id like to know.

Sorry if maybe i sound off or idk... off i guess is the best word lol, i didnt get much sleep and i really wasnt expecting to wake up to this lol. I was hoping i had just done one of the steps wrong and ud have a quick fix
Donno when ill see ur next reply but im trying to tackle this with the free time i suddenly find myself having what with not being able to stream and needing to get back to that asap as its practically my only source of any income.
Im figuring for the time being im gonna try writing down what i need by browsing through everything in safe mode. Luckily all my stuff is still there even if its a pain to sort through and manage.

Was hoping u knew of something to make things easier with like quick access or managing installed software since it sounds like the reset thing u were suggesting is essentially the same as a fresh install.
If i could somehow keep all my settings, whatever i can keep to save me as much time on my way back to getting win10 setup the way i had everything would be of great help...
Okay im back i think im okay omg i was dying today... just so depressed.
I managed to get back into windows by following the steps here
After having run sfc scan in cmd and check disk....

I just needed to reset driver verifier after getting into safemode, all i saw in that guide and from what u said was needing verifier reset in a cmd which to me sounded like it was doing what i did from within verifier that somehow magically worked just a sec ago.... man my head hurts now :'(

should i try continuing forward with help from u and verifier to see if i can force that whea bsod again or should i just leave it be? I hadnt had a single crash that day after the windows update i did so honestly i was just asking for what to do after that to be sure i wouldnt have to run into the whea again but now idk if i should just pick this back up after i run into another bsod or if i should try solving the possible issue that doesnt quite exist yet...
I am relieved you could get back into windows. I wish verifer didn't break windows in its attempt to fix drivers.

main difference between reset and fresh install is reset would have just deleted contents of C, not reformatted entire drive. In most cases, this is the same effect but if you had another partition on the HDD C is on, a reset wouldn't require deleting it, a fresh install might.

If you haven't had a WHEA error since the ones you reported, I wouldn't go trying to force it out. I had thought verifer would help but as usual, it only made things worse.
Oh well, thanks for the help n everything im glad to run into some nice ppl on here for once... i left toms hardware
altogether a year or two ago cuz of too many trolls not doing a damn thing but trolling and no one handling them on here, it wasnt worth the effort to write up paragraphs of info and just getting trolled and no help.
Glad i feel like i can hang out here again thanks to you and a few others :)