Can anyone point me in the right direction for CPU advice?


Dec 10, 2014
Currently wanting to improve my pc for gaming, I think my cpu is holding it back?
Currently I have the following
Intel i7 860 2.8 ghz
Geforce 750ti
6gb ram, ( the ram is not very good so is getting replaced)
What would be the best CPU to buy to get the most out of everything? Looking to spend under £300 Thanks for reading :)
You would be best to upgrade to a i5-4690k and a GIGABYTE GA-G1.Sniper mobo would work great. Your mobo socket is old so you should upgrade that.

Upgrade the GPU first however. Get a GTX970. :)
Not entirely sure on what the PSU is, but when I check on can I run it, it says on a lot of new games that the processor is not enough? Like GTA 5, I'm not all that clued up on Pc it's the first one I have owned unfortunately it's a step learning curve 🙁