Can anything be done to this??


Jul 29, 2017

Hi guys, if someone is able to check this build to see if it's good value for money or if i could significantly improve performance for little money or decrease performance for significantly less money as i dont have any knowledge on part picking.

I should be able to build this myself without too much hassle following a youtube video or something?

Looks good. You should be able to build it all yourself, the main thing is knowing where all the parts and wires go. Just watch a few videos and you should be good. I am not the biggest expert but ill give some suggestions. If its possible try and go for a gtx 1060 6gb if you can. Also check your mothetboard manufactures site and see if your listed memory is on their qvl.
Also check the pre-installed bios version on your motherboard and see if your cpu is supported. This is more of just a caution, if your cpu isnt supported then you're going to need to flash your bios, which could be a little frustrating. Also if you have extra cash at hand, you could also look at getting an ssd to make things faster.

Last thing, before you start...
Looks good. You should be able to build it all yourself, the main thing is knowing where all the parts and wires go. Just watch a few videos and you should be good. I am not the biggest expert but ill give some suggestions. If its possible try and go for a gtx 1060 6gb if you can. Also check your mothetboard manufactures site and see if your listed memory is on their qvl.
Also check the pre-installed bios version on your motherboard and see if your cpu is supported. This is more of just a caution, if your cpu isnt supported then you're going to need to flash your bios, which could be a little frustrating. Also if you have extra cash at hand, you could also look at getting an ssd to make things faster.

Last thing, before you start building, make sure you know how to install an os and use bios. That'll come in handy.

Thanks for the help! Being honest i have found this one on here and it seems like a good deal for the price? do you think its worth it or could I get a dramatic increase if I bought all the parts myself? I'm not too confident on building it and i'm lazy!


Do you mean as in buying a prebuilt pc? Since gpu prices are still a little high, it could be worth it I can't really tell. But if you find a prebuilt that has all the same parts and is cheaper, then maybe go that route. But I would still recommend building it yourself, as when you want to make upgrades, you might have to spend more money and it might be more difficult, at least in my experience. I would say consider buying a prebuilt if it has all the same components, is cheaper and if you really feel you can't build it yourself. I haven't looked at any prebuilts so I can't really how it is in price. There wouldn't be much of a dramatic increase in which route you go, but keep in mind making future upgrades.

Also, I know building a pc the first time might seem really difficult but with a little research and tutorials, you really should be fine. You can also maybe ask a friend to help you build it, someone with experience.

The part that annoys me the most is that I have no clue what individual parts I should get. I'm happy to spend a little more if it makes any logical sense to. so you think the 1060 6GB would be another £25 well spent?

I would say it'll be worth it. I myself am going for a 6GB card instead of a 3GB. But just remember, you don't have to buy all the high end parts right now, you can always upgrade in the future. Going for 6GB is more of a futureproof thing where you'll have enough VRAM to run later more intensive games. If you don't really care about futureproof then go for the 3GB. You can get away with 3GB for now no problem.
Your build right now, whether you go for 3GB 1060 or 6GB, should be perfectly fine for gaming and running everyday tasks. If you want to futureproof a bit, then you could spend a little extra.
Hope that helps