Can ASUS Direct CU II OC GTX 760 2Gb run on my old PC?


Jun 27, 2014
i plan to upgrade my old PC next year. Until then, i wanna give a last life time to my already old pc with a new video card that i'd transfer on the newer gears, next year.

Actualy i am gaming with onboard intel G41 express video chipset. Of course, I can only run very old games and its still a pain.

My CPU is Intel Core-2 DUO 7500.
RAM 4 gb DDR2
Windows XP PRO 32 bits.

Like i said, its a very old PC.
Last month i bough Windows 8.1 64 bits And to be able to run my actual games on it, windows 8.1 need a real video card cause it wont recognize it the old video chipset.

So if i could start upgrading my PC now with the video card that i'd use on my actual prehistorical PC and transfer it to my new gears next year, it would be nice.

I was thinking about the ASUS Direct CU II OC GTX 760 2Gb. Can it run on my actual PC and on the i5 or i7 that i will buy next year?


- - -

Ok, i finally bough :

CPU : Core i5 4590
RAM : 8 gb DDR3 1600mhz G-Skill Ripjaw
PSU : EVGA Supernova 750 80+ Gold
GPU : Geforce GTX 750 Ti
CASING : Corsair 500R

Everything's working good. Thanks!

Yes, i know that the CPU will limit the Video card performance on the old PC. But it wont be a problem since i will keep playing my old games, Minecraft and some MMORPG (WOW and Eve-Online) on it untill next year i upgrade my gears.

By the way, my MOBO is a micro version i think. It is fixed in a medium tower. And the videocard would be the only piece of hardware using a PCI slot on MOBO, since sound and ethernet are onboard and i have no other peripheral. The heat sink is the one that came with the intel CPU.