W Wendi Wood Honorable Sep 21, 2014 30 0 10,530 Oct 17, 2014 #1 I have a Dell Optoplex 755 Desktop series computer and I'd like to know if it can sit vertical instead of horizontal? I've googled but didn't get much help. I'd hate to ruin something inside if it can't sit that way. Thanks!
I have a Dell Optoplex 755 Desktop series computer and I'd like to know if it can sit vertical instead of horizontal? I've googled but didn't get much help. I'd hate to ruin something inside if it can't sit that way. Thanks!
ThatVietGuy Titan Nov 6, 2007 11,726 319 70,240 Oct 17, 2014 Solution #2 Yes, it should be fine in either configuration. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
saywhut Honorable Sep 11, 2014 342 0 10,960 Oct 17, 2014 #3 Yes, no problems at all. Upvote 1 Downvote