Can FSX use multiple GPUs?


Nov 3, 2013
I am building up an all-new FSX only machine. After bad experiences with a pair of Radeon5590s, i'm tossing up between Nvidia GTX 780 (single GPU) and GTX 690 (two GPUs on single card). but since FSX has so many squirrely does and don't, i don't know for sure which would be better. (I don't think I can run to a Nvidia Titan at today's prices.)

all other components are optimal.

I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Ah its Microsoft Flight Simulator X...

It favors Nvidia cards but doesn't like SLI. It's very CPU-heavy.

Get a single GPU card (GTX 780)
I recommend a single EVGA GTX780 (967MHz base).
It's $500.

It's pretty hard to beat this card at this price range. I also dislike multi-GPU though it's getting better.

I believe the GTX690 only has 2GB of memory per GPU as well which I don't recommend anymore when spending over $400 on graphics.

thank you very much for your astoundingly quick response and the link. i read it with despair in my heart: the previous machine i had built up for FSX was almost perfectly designed to be the best computer for NOT playing FSX! it used two RAID drives, ati cards with double gpus, moreover two of them in SLI, and only a moderately fast intel i5. little wonder that it took ages to load, stuttered all the time, and the menus were unreadable. looking forward to the new rig.

migod the corsair is pretty.


thanks photonboy

i can't get the evga GTX780 here, but only the gigabyte version. pity, i like the look of those EVGA fans. still, the important thing is that everyone's put me on the right track now: as you can see from my reply to huilun02, i got everything badly wrong the first time around three years ago.

thanks again


Good luck.
FYI, don't use the "GeForce Experience" profiles. The profiles are designed to achieve 40FPS which might be a good "balance" for some people. I personally tweak to maintain 60FPS VSYNC'd.

I just use FRAPS and VSYNC OFF to start. I then play around with AA, Shadows etc so the game looks the best while also being ABOVE 60FPS at least 90% of the time.

Then I disable FRAPS and turn VSYNC ON. My game should now be nicely synched at 60FPS and rarely drop.