Can gtx 590 go well with an i5 2500k?

Other than the fact that all the GTX 590's are currently unavailable, and even if they were 2x GTX 570's were always a better deal in terms of price/performance, a GTX590 and a 2500k would go just fine together. Just be sure you have a large enough power supply to run the GTX 590.
what do you mean by good?

Are you asking will the i5 be able to keep up with the 590? If so it will able to handle the gtx 590 just fine.

to help get you what you need I have a couple of questions (assuming you want to purchase a gpu):

what is your monitor resolution?
what is your current power supply?
what games do you currently or want to play?
what is you budget?

I can't recommend a gtx 590 to anyone due to the crazy amount of money it cost. It is also overkill for certain resolutions. It is also outperformed, as yargnit stated, by gtx 570 sli.

there are a several options that typically are better compared to the single gtx 590.

1920 x 1080 and my budget is right around 2000 and what i mean by good is that the i5 can not affect the performance, and the games i wanna play ( on max) is arma 2, battlefield 3, amesia, and arma 3 ( which is coming out summer)
if you are building a new build read this and fill it out

for that resolution a gtx 570 will offer very very good performance. Battlefield 3 is very gpu dependent if I had that cash and was buying now I would opt for the hd 7970.

Just to let you know there is a whole bunch of new tech on the horizon so you might want to wait. Filling out the form in the above link will give us the necessary info to help you with your build.

An i5 2500k will not negatively effect your gameplay what so ever and it overclocks quite easily.