Question Can hookah smoke damage my pc?

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Jan 7, 2019
Someone blew hookah smoke straight into the fan of my pc. I have a watercooling system in front. The hookah smoke smelled really sweet so is it able to do damage after a full exhale of smoke into my pc straight into the watercooling system (and the internal components)? I thought it may create a sticky layer on the radiator and cause dust to stick way more easily.
i've opened many pc's from smokers and the inside is just plain nasty. you know that yellow build-up that sticks to walls in smoking rooms? that same stuff gets sucked into your case and coats everything. i've seen fans struggle to spin due to being clogged up with that tar. motherboard can get sticky with it as well.

so yah , smoking around it is not a good idea, and blowing smoke directly into it is an even worse idea.
If done once, no worries, there's not enough tar and nicotine (or other gunk) in one breath of smoke to affect anything. It'd take repeated exposure like that over the course of several weeks or more to do any lasting harm, but not damage. It'll just get the rad sticky, which is easily solved by giving it a good bath in Royal Purple or other automotive degreaser. Just don't soak the pump.
i've opened many pc's from smokers and the inside is just plain nasty. you know that yellow build-up that sticks to walls in smoking rooms? that same stuff gets sucked into your case and coats everything. i've seen fans struggle to spin due to being clogged up with that tar. motherboard can get sticky with it as well.

so yah , smoking around it is not a good idea, and blowing smoke directly into it is an even worse idea.

Oh I've seen some absolutely nasty PCs that have decayed from smoke exhale, but it's mainly tobacco smoke that causes it. I don't think I've seen any from hookah or weed that have been damaged like the ones I've seen from tobacco smoke.
Lol yep, that's because most tobacco smokers don't worry about the smoke or where it goes, it's legal. Weed smokers will cram their heads up against an open window for fear of stinking up the house and getting busted by parents. There's only 1 weed smoker who acts like an indoor tobacco smoker to every 100 or more tobacco smokers, so weed smoke damage to pc's is extremely rare. Recent developments in Colorado might change all that in a couple of years 😆
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