Can I add a new Graphics Card to my current PC Setup

May 22, 2018
Can I add a new graphics card to my motherboard currently I have an intergraded Hd 2500 graphics card that is not ideal at all for gaming.My computer specs are:
PC i5 Quad Core 3.2GHz
8GB Ram
Windows 10
i5-3470 Quad Core 3.2ghz upto 3.4ghz
8gb 1600Mhz DDR3 Desktop Ram
1TB 7200RPM Hard drive Intel HD 2500 Graphics (1 PCI-e x16 slot)
500W Gaming Power Supply

Is this something I can do with this set up or do I need to get a new CPU and motherboard? If I can add a graphics card then what card would you suggest to play a demanding game like PUBG?

Thanks in advance
500W Gaming Power Supply
What is the model number and brand?

Here is the GPU performances for 44 GPUs tested: Usually you want to play the game at least in 40 fps. If you play the game in low quality settings with rx560, your PSU will be fine. But if you want to play the game in ultra quality settings, you will need a very good GPU, then you should buy the new PSU too.
Im not completely sure about the brand of the power supply. It was a spare power supply my friend had so I'm assuming its not a top of the line power supply. And gotcha that makes sense I don't think I need Ultra but I do want good quality that can last as well as allow my to stream and do light video editing

This one has a blower style cooler, that is similar to the founder edition model. It might run hotter than the MSI Card, But performance should be about the same, the two would overclock rather differently too. I'd say, as long as the manufacturer is MSI,ASUS,GIGABYTE,EVGA,PNY. Then the card will perform well. But ones with blower style coolers are only good for computers that don't have very much air flow( case fans ), where the heat can exhaust from the back of the case.