Can I buy a separate router/modem in order to have a personal wired network?


Jun 25, 2015
I built a computer recently, and I have a temporary wireless USB network adapter in order to have some online connection as I try to figure some sort of upgrade out. However, I have terrible download and upload speeds (4.7 mgbps) and massive ping spikes (281), as to be expected with wireless. The issue is, I live with my family, and my father needs direct connection in order to do his work as efficiently as possible. I was wondering if I could buy a separate router or modem of some sort in order to get wired connection, or would I have to run a 500 foot cable up two floors in order to have decent internet speeds.

The usual recommended way to get a wired-like connection is to use a set of power line network adapters. In the...

The usual recommended way to get a wired-like connection is to use a set of power line network adapters. In the right conditions, these adapters can provide a fast and reliable connection.