Can I Buy PS3 In 2015


Feb 19, 2015
In Iran The PS4 Is Very Expensive But The PS3 Is So So
If I Want To Buy A PS3 Is The Games Will Published In The Next Years????
I Mean When The PS3 Will Expire????
i wouldn't be expecting any new titles to be released for the PS3. its on life support at this point for titles and services sense the PS4 has been out for over a year now. however, that doesn't limit you form playing its catalog of games from the last 8 years.
Sorry, Sony usually only fully supports their consoles for about 8 years, so you won't likely be seeing any first party exclusives (Made by Sony, for Sony) on the PS3 ever again. However Sony's consoles have always had a long tail for third party support, even continuing on for up to 13 years! Look at FIFA 14 released for the PS2 13 years after that launched! But of course, that game being released was an outlier and not the norm. Long story short, there won't be many new games released for PS3 in 2015, and we will see less and less into the future.

However, if you've never owned a Playstation 3, and especially if you never owned a PS2 before I would highly reccomend getting one for the exclusives that are already out. The PS3 has an amazing backlog of titles that I wish more people had given a shot. Some of my favorites include God of war 3, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Uncharted 2, Infamous 1 and 2, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time, Jak and Daxter HD collection... ect.

TL: DR short answer is no if you only looking at games after your post date. Sony won't support their console for much longer.