can i change my old noctua fan on my old CM Hyper212 with a new noctua fan?


Feb 18, 2016
Well my old fan isnt 4 pin so its a bit loud, my PSU and GPU are both silent when idle, case fans are also really low rpm since im not usually on load.
and my computer is in my bedroom and i leave it on when sleeping. so wanna make it more silent.
the rig is like 4-5 Years old with some part changes (gpu/ssd etc). at the time the noctua was the most silent i could found.

wow this looks really messy when shot with a flash.

Anyway i am looking to change this 3 pin fan to new version:

i think cheap cpu block + expensive fan makes a good team. i was interested in AIO's but they seem to be really loud.


thanks for the reply.
the reason im leaving my pc on is not boot performance.
its because i live in a country where the internet is pretty much slow (or fast if you pay a lot.) and limited a LOT.
so i am using a service where it wont count my bandwitdh usage after 24.00 hours. until 07.00.

This unlimitedness (UNLIMITED POWAAA) makes me greedy and i download even the shittiest movies 60gb version.
Hence while i sleep my computer doesnt.

I see.
How much cpu cooling do you really need?
What is your cpu?
Noctua usually supplies low noise adapters with their fans.
If you run at 900 rpm, the fan will be virtually noiseless.

Or, you can buy a zalman fanmate which is a rheostat fan controller that lets you adjust the fan speed to your desired balance of noise vs. cooling.

not much really i havent OC'd or anything. it runs a i5 3570k, 8gb ram, 1070GTX.
its actually a very good idea, but im not really sure because sometimes i play games (i play rise of tomb raider/bf1 e.t.c. on very high settings on a 1440p monitor) do you think games like these are hard on CPU's? What if cpu needs extra cooling?