can i corrupt my ram by installing it to another PC?


Nov 20, 2015
so i wanted to make another PC for when my friends can come over to game. and i had spare parts lying around and was going to make another PC. but i was short of RAM. so i was thinking by uninstalling some of my current PC's DDR3 Ram to my other PC should it be ok?

Quick PC Specs:

i5 4690K
GTX 980Ti
Z97S SLI Krait Edition
Hyper Savage 4 sticks 4GB = 16GB DDR3 2400mhz

My Other PC Specs:

FX 8320
R9 280
Sabretooth 990FX
8GB of my other PC's RAM
I respectfully disagree with USAF on this one. It's very easy to damage a component if you're not handling it correctly, if you have a static charge, drag your feet across the carpet as you're walking to the new computer with it, or anything like that.

"Unless you mishandle it."

This stuff is not that fragile.
Can it happen? Sure. Is it likely to happen? No, not really.

Have you ever zapped something into brokenness with just static from your fingers?
caution is helpful, but i have saambled pcs for the last 19 years, never used the static band, most times over my carpet or without shoes, without socks even, haven't experienced such situtation where a old or new part died on me by just handling it to move it form point a to b, being b, other pc case or other city

1 x AMD K62-300
1 x OCZ 160Gb SSD
2 x DDR2 1 GB sticks of RAM
1x Gigabyte Motherboard. I don't remember the model off hand.
I know. Bad track record. After the SSD, I forced my wife into putting 2 bounce static sheets in the clothes dryer, and it was the catalyst for me removing the carpet from our house, and putting in hardwood. I haven't killed anything since then. :)
Long story short. Static IS your worst enemy when handling components.