Can I crossfire 2x r9270x + a 760k oc, on a cx600 psu?


It doesn't have enough power connectors for the GPUs to start off, even if it did I wouldn't trust it with an SLI/Crossfire config.
I'd go for something like this, you might be fine with a decent 650W unit but I'd go for 750W just to be safe.

It doesn't have enough power connectors for the GPUs to start off, even if it did I wouldn't trust it with an SLI/Crossfire config.
I'd go for something like this, you might be fine with a decent 650W unit but I'd go for 750W just to be safe.


under 3dmark load its pulling 513w from the wall. assuming the psu tested is 87% efficient that's 446w DC the psu needs to supply. Under something like crysis 3 or bf4 which has fairly high cpu use also i would expect even higher numbers. So i would say a 600w high quality unit is the bare minimum, but your looking at corsair's budget CX psu, they use pretty cheap components for these, so i would pass and go to a 650w higher quality psu. The other issue you have is that you will have a cpu bottleneck, so you may not see much of a performance increase by adding a second 270x. one 270x or a 280 is about the most i would run on a low end cpu like that and not expect to bottleneck horribly.