Can I Exchange a new motherboard from Newegg that I bought three months ago for a different one at Micro Center?


Dec 13, 2016
So, I bought a motherboard from newegg for my pc about two months ago. I plan to build it for New Years' this year. I had my birthday in September and my dad bought me the motherboard I wanted, until I changed my mind so I can overclock my pc. I can't return my motherboard and get a different one for a similar price, however I know if I go to Micro Center, I can return parts as long as they aren't worn down. My motherboard is brand new, mint condition, never taken out. Can I go to Micro Center and trade my motherboard for a different similar priced motherboard? And pay then pay the difference. I have a Asus B150 Gaming Pro and now I want a Gigabyte Z170X Ultra Gaming. They are both price around from $145 when looking at various sites. Can I do this at Micro Center or not?