Can I game in 2K?


Dec 7, 2015
I'm thinking about picking up a 1440p monitor so I'm wondering if one Radeon R390 is enough? Will I have any trouble?

Not really, unfortunately. Displays can hand resolutions other than their native resolution, but the image will always look slightly blurred because the image the display is receiving doesn't match 1-1 with its pixels. It looks (IMHO) absolutely terrible with text, pictures/video (including gaming) is nowhere near as noticeable, but it's still less than ideal. It's an option, but not a good one.
Assuming you're aiming for 60hz 1440p, then you will be able to run every game with playable frame rates. More demanding games will require you to drop the detail settings down, sometimes quite a bit, to stay near 60hz. But as long as you're okay with that, then a 390 is up to the job for sure.

Some people won't consider a card suitable unless it can achieve very-high to ultra settings in every game, which would be a big ask for a 390 at 1440p... but that's not my view.
Any particular fps you are wanting to achieve on this 1440p monitor?

Edit: You probably should also tell us what games you want to play, what settings you want to play on etc.

It will be 'enough' for some games, but not for others.
Firstly, there's no such thing as 2k.
1440 is 2560x1440.

With my 390x im aiming for 100fps at 1080 on high-max settings, and that's not always possible.
A 390 should be good for high detail, especially if there are a couple of high impact settings you can turn down.

It'd be nice to run 60fps on all games but im aware that doing so might not be realistic with just one Radeon R9 390. I was thinking though, if im not hitting my desired frame rates and settings, i could i always switch the monitor to 1080p right? Oh and I'll mostly be playing first person shooters.

Playing on ultra settings isn't all that important to me. But say I buy this 1440p monitor and im not liking the frame rates im seeing...I could always change it to 1080p right?

Not really, unfortunately. Displays can hand resolutions other than their native resolution, but the image will always look slightly blurred because the image the display is receiving doesn't match 1-1 with its pixels. It looks (IMHO) absolutely terrible with text, pictures/video (including gaming) is nowhere near as noticeable, but it's still less than ideal. It's an option, but not a good one.