[SOLVED] Can I get this?


Jan 30, 2017
Hi, I recently ordered pc parts from amazon, and i currently have a GTX 1050ti OC edition from zotac. Thing is, I want to get a new 1080p 144hz monitor. I know the 1050ti can't run modern titles of today at 144 fps+ but games like csgo, rocket league would run at 144+ fps.

Now, getting to the main part, thing is, my brother plays games like csgo, and a 144hz monitor would be good for him. I play modern triple A games and games like NFS, assassins creed, GTA 5 singleplayer and stuff.

So, I think if I play these games, it may cause screen tearing for me at 144hx with only a 1050ti, but what IF I change the refresh rate in the video settings of the game I play from 144hz to 60hz? Will that be fine then? Or should I just buy a 1080p 60hz monitor?

So there won't be problems if I switch the game's video settings from 1920x1080 144hz to 1920x1080 60hz? No screen tearing right? Thanks for the answer btw.

You still might see tearing, but it in theory will be reduced because when forcing the lower FPS, frame-time consistency should improve - but it doesn't necessarily mean it will - particularly if the game is rendering lower than 60 fps anyway.

If you see tearing with the game locked down to 60, try also enabling v-sync in the driver settings (if game doesn't have a setting for that already). If FPS is too low like that (considering 1050ti) then disable v-sync and live with the tearing.
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