Can i install windows 7 or not. if not why?


It is possibe to install it, of course. Having it licensed is another matter. Unless you are in a corporation with SA agreement, you can only use the license included with your laptop.

Windows 10 is NOT legally downgradable to windows 7.

If you don't care about legal issues, then yes, you can install windows 7.

If you can't find Windows 7 drivers for your laptop's components, you'll have to resort to drivers issued for windows 8.1, which will work with windows 7.

If your laptop relies on your 7th gen intel CPU graphics, you'll need to force the installation of Intel HD Graphics 520 or 530. It will work without...

It is possibe to install it, of course. Having it licensed is another matter. Unless you are in a corporation with SA agreement, you can only use the license included with your laptop.

Windows 10 is NOT legally downgradable to windows 7.

If you don't care about legal issues, then yes, you can install windows 7.

If you can't find Windows 7 drivers for your laptop's components, you'll have to resort to drivers issued for windows 8.1, which will work with windows 7.

If your laptop relies on your 7th gen intel CPU graphics, you'll need to force the installation of Intel HD Graphics 520 or 530. It will work without any limitations, go ahead and do it.

When using Windows 7 in that laptop, Windows Update willl not work, and you'll get an annoying spalsh screen warning about that. There's a patch around to get over that. Just google WUFUC and you«'ll find it.

I've done exactly this on 4 of my company's laptops. It works, don't worry.
Of course you could install Windows 7, just be sure there is drivers for it or make experiment install and see if everything is working normal. MS is trying to force the ppl to update to Windows 10 and manufacturers also stop support for new hardware for old OS like Win7. Officially Intel and MS would tell you they dont support 7th gen process for Windows 7 , but that mean it wont work it just they wont answer any tickets, calls or emails if you need support from them.