Can I or Not JBOD, just a bunch of Drives



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

I got the Asus A8V Deluex and putting it together and need to know
If I use the Raid for Faster Drives, (SATA 150), ans set it as JBOD, is it the
same as like a eide would be, in other words, not sharing wruting and readin
between two drives ?

I want the speed, but nothing else, where do I stand ?

All In and Out Virus Scanned
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

JBOD is what you want. If the A8V's RAID doesn't offer JBOD, just make
multiple RAID 0 volumes with a single disk each.

"Joe H" <> wrote in message
> I got the Asus A8V Deluex and putting it together and need to know
> If I use the Raid for Faster Drives, (SATA 150), ans set it as JBOD, is it
> same as like a eide would be, in other words, not sharing wruting and
> between two drives ?
> I want the speed, but nothing else, where do I stand ?
> --
> ------------------------------------------
> All In and Out Virus Scanned
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Thank You very much

"Rube" <> wrote in message
> JBOD is what you want. If the A8V's RAID doesn't offer JBOD, just make
> multiple RAID 0 volumes with a single disk each.
> "Joe H" <> wrote in message
>> I got the Asus A8V Deluex and putting it together and need to know
>> If I use the Raid for Faster Drives, (SATA 150), ans set it as JBOD, is it
> the
>> same as like a eide would be, in other words, not sharing wruting and
> readin
>> between two drives ?
>> I want the speed, but nothing else, where do I stand ?
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------
>> All In and Out Virus Scanned
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Actually if you want performance and nothing else, you would NOT want to make
multiple RAID 0 Volumes. You would want to make a single RAID 0 volume from
multiple drives. RAID 0 offers true "striping" across multiple HDDs, with no
redundancy - the striping and lack of redundancy results in the performance

True "JBOD" offers only spanning which could actually result in a loss of

And since it's impossible to stripe (RAID 0) single hard disks, you'd gain
no benefit by doing so, in fact you'd be wasting the RAID controller, by
using it as a normal SATA controller.

"Joe H" wrote:

> I got the Asus A8V Deluex and putting it together and need to know
> If I use the Raid for Faster Drives, (SATA 150), ans set it as JBOD, is it the
> same as like a eide would be, in other words, not sharing wruting and readin
> between two drives ?
> I want the speed, but nothing else, where do I stand ?
> --
> ------------------------------------------
> All In and Out Virus Scanned