Yes the Z-series chipset will allow you to OC and the low CAS 13 and 1.2V means you have very good room for overclocking.
Boot to BIOS and the Ai Tweaker menu and you should have an option to change the DRAM frequency. Leaving timings and voltage on Auto should allow you to run faster memory speeds while automatically setting the proper timings.
You're starting at 2133MHz CAS 13 1.2V, the most common 3200MHz memory has CAS 16 1.35V. I wouldn't be surprised if you could run that. I have Corsair LPX 2400 CAS 14 1.2V and I can run 3200MHz CAS 16 1.35V.
The other timings besides CAS will need to increase also, so that's why you should leave it on Auto if you don't know what to set them.
You will simply have to try setting a frequency...