Can I overclock a 2133MHz RAM?


Apr 14, 2017
I have Corsair Vengenace LPX DDR4 32 GB (2x16) 2133MHz RAM.

Can I overclock it higher than that? Like 2400, 2666 or 3000?
Is it through the XMP profile that I can OC it, or is it something else?

How hard is it? Never done any OC before.
Yes the Z-series chipset will allow you to OC and the low CAS 13 and 1.2V means you have very good room for overclocking.

Boot to BIOS and the Ai Tweaker menu and you should have an option to change the DRAM frequency. Leaving timings and voltage on Auto should allow you to run faster memory speeds while automatically setting the proper timings.

You're starting at 2133MHz CAS 13 1.2V, the most common 3200MHz memory has CAS 16 1.35V. I wouldn't be surprised if you could run that. I have Corsair LPX 2400 CAS 14 1.2V and I can run 3200MHz CAS 16 1.35V.

The other timings besides CAS will need to increase also, so that's why you should leave it on Auto if you don't know what to set them.

You will simply have to try setting a frequency...
Depends on your motherboard's chipset. Even then not all RAM can overclock, but most can a little. Some RAM have 2 XMP profiles with one being an overclock higher than advertised.

Tell us your motherboard and the exact part number of your RAM. Also, what CPU do you have?
My motherboard is: Rog Strix Z370-H Gaming. My CPU is an i7-8700K.

RAM is Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2x16 GB (32 GB) 2133MHz. The part number is this: CMK32GX4M2A2133C13.

Do you know if I can overclock this one, and how?
Sure you can. You can OC almost any ram on an OC capable mobo. As to levels that'll depend on the particular ram, 2133 is default for ddr4, so chances are pretty good that you might get 2400, might, because default speed ram is usually bottom of the barrel when it comes to binning for higher speed capabilities. You'll only find out by trying it. Just make sure to memtest it after every slight change to sa agent and other ram sensitive settings and vram voltages etc. Stability is far more important than any minor gains.
Yes the Z-series chipset will allow you to OC and the low CAS 13 and 1.2V means you have very good room for overclocking.

Boot to BIOS and the Ai Tweaker menu and you should have an option to change the DRAM frequency. Leaving timings and voltage on Auto should allow you to run faster memory speeds while automatically setting the proper timings.

You're starting at 2133MHz CAS 13 1.2V, the most common 3200MHz memory has CAS 16 1.35V. I wouldn't be surprised if you could run that. I have Corsair LPX 2400 CAS 14 1.2V and I can run 3200MHz CAS 16 1.35V.

The other timings besides CAS will need to increase also, so that's why you should leave it on Auto if you don't know what to set them.

You will simply have to try setting a frequency to test it. If it doesn't boot it will likely reset bios settings to factory default either by itself or by turning the power off and back on.