can i overclock i7 3700k ? with any mobo ?


Jun 16, 2017
soo i m planning to buy a i7 3770k can i overclock using this mobo (intel db75en) ??

and if lets say i dont buy an i7 3770k instead i buy i7 3770 is there any way to overclock non K cpu?
No, that motherboard does not support overclocking. You could try to increase the Base Clock, but that offers very little to no gains at all, and is not an option available on all B75 motherboards.

The same applies to the i7 3770 - you could try raising the Base Clock, but it would not make much of a difference. If you want to overclock, you'll need the i7 3770K and a Z77/Z75 motherboard.
Apart from perhaps 2% boost from BCLK overclocking, no you can't.
I7-3770K will perform better at stock because it has a stock clock of 3.5 vs 3.4 for the 3770.

What is your budget?
What will this pc be used for?
Do you have a prospective list of parts?

I assume you have a good deal on a used 3770K which might be OK. Say < $100.

Otherwise, buying new, a 8th gen processor and parts will be better.

well i couldnt find any good deal on 3770k but i got a deal for 3770 .. and i cant really upgrade my mobo right now also 8th gen processor are costly af where i m getting this i7 for 130 $..

EDIT : Z mobo are costly af too xd
EDIT 2 : should i get i7 3770 or i5 8400 (with new mobo non "Z")

The i5 8400 is a great chip, but you can't overclock that either. It'll definitely beat the 3770, in single core as well as multi-core. A B360 board is enough for the chip, and those aren't too expensive. I would frankly recommend going for the 8400, the newer platform and extra cores will give you a good experience for years to come.