geofelt :
Apart from perhaps 2% boost from BCLK overclocking, no you can't.
I7-3770K will perform better at stock because it has a stock clock of 3.5 vs 3.4 for the 3770.
What is your budget?
What will this pc be used for?
Do you have a prospective list of parts?
I assume you have a good deal on a used 3770K which might be OK. Say < $100.
Otherwise, buying new, a 8th gen processor and parts will be better.
well i couldnt find any good deal on 3770k but i got a deal for 3770 .. and i cant really upgrade my mobo right now also 8th gen processor are costly af where i m getting this i7 for 130 $..
EDIT : Z mobo are costly af too xd
EDIT 2 : should i get i7 3770 or i5 8400 (with new mobo non "Z")