Can I Overclock the i5-4690t ?


Jul 31, 2016
Hi, I'm currently building my first ever gaming set up, and was wondering if I can overclock the i5-4690t from 2.5 ghz to 3.5 ghz.

Also, if you don't mind looking over my build, I'd appreciate it ( in particular, I don't know if I have selected the correct RAM) :)

Here is the rest of my build:

Mobo: MSI H81-E34 Micro ATX

RAM: 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333 MHz DIMM 240-pin (from here: )

Hard Drive: WD 1TB 7200rpm

GPU: GTX 960 (either EVGA SC or PNY 4gb OC) from a 2nd hand source

PSU: Corsair Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply

Case: Deepcool TESSERACT BF ATX Mid Tower Case

Here it is on PC Partpicker:

Thanks for your help :)
You cannot overclock it. It will automatically run @ 3.5ghz from it's turbo speed when needed.

I highly recommend getting a better psu.


Do you mean a psu with a higher wattage, or a different make? If the former, then how high?


Do you think an XFX TS 430W would be any better?

Thanks again for the advice