Can I overclock without a 6-pin connector?


Jul 21, 2013
CPU: FX-6300 6-Core 3.5 GHz ( no overclock, too scared lol)
PSU: Antec 450w
Ram: 8GB DDR3 8GB (2 x 4GB) 1600MHz
GPU: MSI GTX 750ti 2GB (Link: http:// )
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit

I've been advised to not overclock my cpu because my mobo is kinda cheap, so I'm wondering if its possible to overclock my gpu instead? It draws all its power from the pci slot on the motherboard because thats all it needs so I was wondering if it was safe to do so. And if IT IS POSSIBLE, then how should I go about it? I just want more fps in games i play while I wait to upgrade
As long as you don't push the card to hard it's perfectly safe and you are right that board has a poor power and thermal design and shouldn't be used for overclocking. Very little gain in FPS would result from any overclocking.

  • ■ Your PSU will always deliver 450 watt which is suffice for your build, is just that it may draw more than 450 watt from your home cords depend on its efficiency.
    ■ Your motherboard has 5+1 phase power design (ferrite core choke + intersil mosfet driver) with either matsuhita/panasonic capacitors or nichi con capacitor (blue paint aluminum seal, at motherboard release date, those two are consider to be top capacitor).
Unfortunately 760GMA P43 lacks of safety circuity so to try OC you'll stuck to PSU "brake" (over/under voltage, power surge, etc) or UPS similar features.
The best you can do is use good review CPU cooler, and try retry untill you find stable highest OC preset.

  • ■ An OC 750Ti will never near stock 770 in performance regardless 75 watt+75 watt supplied