Well cpu's can usually be overclocked,but with you i'm worried about the mogtherboard you have.The motherboard is imo not a good one to overclock on without some cooling on the vrm,which is isn't great anyway.
I'm abit worried about this as wel,since no name or something else to determine if it's at least a somewhat decent psu
You'll need at least a decent cooler to overclock as well and look for some tutorials about overcocking an apu.Just google that cpu+overclocking.
Why do you want to overclock? If it for the graphics look for some overclocking on just the gpu side.Better would be to add a dedicated gpu.
The least expensive option would probably be dual graphics with a r7 250 (or r7 240),but that has it's caveats too,not al games support that as well as you would want.Better would be to add a gtx 750 ti looking at that psu.