Can i play Battlefield 4 in core 2 duo?


Sep 3, 2013
My cpu is e2200 and it looks like it cannot run BF4 so my idea is to upgrade it to core 2 duo. What do you think will happen? Can it run this game if i will upgrade it or it still cannot play this game?

the core 2 duo isnt even powerfull enough to play BF4. i am using it and i cant get past the loading screen. you need a minimum of the quad, and its barely even handling it. new mobo. and core i5 or 7 for you.
Here's the performance thus far in the BETA:
@Niels-Erik Lomholt

the c2d is a powerful cpu more powerful than all amd cpus a fx series in a single treaded

The Core 2 Dual has less bandwidth so it is not Enough to play bf4 games that need high bandwidth CPU

Um, what?
The piledrivers are at the very least just as fast as the Core 2 Duos/Quads in terms of IPC



I have althon x2 and it is is weak cpu comparing a c2d but not bad in multitasking and cpu bandwidth
amd has not improved it powerfullness and bandwidth packed till now they just increased the mega hertz and cores

imagine if amd fx-8350 was the same powerfullness and bandwidth packed of a c2d at that fequrency the it would have easily can beat all desktop hasswell cpues
Athlon != FX/Piledriver. AMD did improve the architecture; Piledriver is a moderate improvement from Bulldozer, and probably slightly above K10, depending on what you're doing.

Also, there's a few extra cores from a dual-core Athlon/C2D to a 6-8 core piledriver. Many games are getting better at using more cores. Especially BF4.

And no, it wouldn't beat all Haswell chips. While Ivy/Haswell are minor IPC improvements, both Nehalem and Sandy Bridge were massive IPC improvements from a C2D.

And the Piledriver memory controller beats the DDR2 found on almost all LGA775 platforms.

You've got a cheap, old chip. That's not indicative of other chips. If you had an E2200, you'd be saying the same thing about Intel.

i think have that cheap e220 also.

hasswell are atleast 20% faster than sandy bridge

fx may have improved over althon but it is still not powerful than a c2d yet

well since you think you know everything....

some few points to know

why cant fx beat a i5 if a fx is more powerful than a core 2 dual even at 4ghz x8 core 8350 ?

how many time faster is haswel 1ghz over a 1ghz core 2 dual ?

Ok it's pretty obvious that you know nothing about computers but are very good at trying to hide it so that you're not embarrassed but the jig is up. The Core2Duo CPU is garbage by today's standards and the Athlon X2 hasn't been in production for over 5 years which means it's completely irrelevant. Someone Somewhere is 100% correct when he recommends the FX-6300. I'll go a step further and say that he should get an ASRock 970 Pro3 motherboard and a Powercolor Radeon HD 7870XT 2GB video card. Furthermore, he should have at least 8GB of DDR3-1333 and nothing less will run BF4 properly. And yes, the Core2Duo is FAR LESS. It will not run any modern game properly and will cause a huge bottleneck to any modern video card that is attached to it. My God man, you don't even seem to know that there are several generations of Core2Duo from Prescott to Conroe to Wolfdale with HUGE performance differences in between them. Give it up, everyone here who knows tech can see that you don't know a thing and you're only making yourself look bad. See those badges that Someone Somewhere has? He had to earn them by showing that he has knowledge and is willing to help people with it. You're completely wrong, face it, learn from it and move on like an intelligent human being.


trying to hide embarrassed what ? dear you have lost your mind.

A core 2 dual like e7500 wolfdale requires 1.75 ghz to match a 1ghz i5 haswell

While amd fx requires 2.2ghz to match a 1ghz i5 haswell

I have 4670k and e7500 so i know this.Bleive it or Not

it sounds You have not seen a intel c2d i3 i5 i7 mostly.

AMD still has a long way to catch Up it's core power.


The i5-4670k beats which AMD FX CPU in what application? Explain yourself. I could just say that a i7 is worse than a AMD FX and still make more sense than you do my friend.

I am going to skip over the fanboy drivel and just answer you directly. You need a whole new rig basically. If it is a custom build, some parts could probably be reused, but you are going to basically need to start from scratch. Then it depends on your budget for such a system. Only then can recommendations be made on what you should get.

Hi Bro

What i meant was.
about the core 2 dual core power vs fx core power 1ghz of c2d wolfdale vs 1ghz of fx

The game is in beta and its known to have framerate issues.Plus, BF4 will pretty much take bias towards AMD's CPUs.

he should have (at least) 8 GB ram to be able to run BF4? Why!!, i think 4 or 6 GB DDR3 will be enough..and you are saying that core2duo is far less and will not run any modern game, if you meant that any 2 core CPU cannot run any modern game, well the i3-3220 have two cores and CAN Run most of modern games, with a Decent GPU the i3 third generation may Run BF4 itself at Medium/high depending the resolution and the ammount of MXAA..correct me if i'm wrong
In short, as it seems as if most people are not directly answering this question, Yes, you can play it, probably at medium settings. the only place the CPU will slow your rig down is in Multiplayer games packing 12+ people, as Multiplayer is fairly CPU-Intensive. For campaign, however, you shouldn't even break a sweat. As long as your GPU has at least 1gb Frame Buffer and is clocked at 800Mhz, you should be fine.