Can i play black ops 2 on this laptop?!

I misread you said black ops 2 not ghosts that will probably run in single player but will suffer on multiplayer. the second laptop would be a better choice. Nvidia GT650m and the 7730m are comparably the same it should have no problem playing those games in medium settings
No. it will run but not very well. some high end machines have trouble running cod black ops 2. It has intel graphics which is not made for gaming

Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Third-generation on-processor graphics provide proficient image quality for Internet use, photo editing, video streaming and casual games.

Casuual games like bejeweled blitz and angry birds
I misread you said black ops 2 not ghosts that will probably run in single player but will suffer on multiplayer. the second laptop would be a better choice. Nvidia GT650m and the 7730m are comparably the same it should have no problem playing those games in medium settings