can i play CS:GO 100+fps with AMD A6-7400k?


Dec 14, 2016
I just want to play cs go with 100+ fps even with the lowest settings. so is it possible to achieve that kind of fps? and if yes,what gpu do i need in order to achieve it?
CS:GO relies heavily on single-threaded performance. Intel's CPUs have nearly twice the single-threaded performance of AMD's, and their iGPUs are not really any slower either.

Can you afford a Pentium G4500? Or, possible a G4400 paired with a low-end discrete card such as an RX460 or GTX 1050?

Not in the mean time because i'll be waiting for amd ryzen to come out but just in case, will there be a change in performance if i add a gpu to my amd a6 apu? im running 40-70 fps right now on low settings 720p.