Can i play farcry 5 on ultra at 768p and get 40 to 50 fps??

May 24, 2018
My system is:
Gtx 1050 ti 4GB
Ram 8 GB
Cpu quad q9550 2.83ghz
Notice:battlefield 1 minimum cpu is i5 6600k but far cry 5 is i5 2400k i think.
In battlefield 1 with quad q9550 at ultra settings i got 50 about in farcry 5???i think farcry 5 have lower cpu than bf1.

That cpu will struggle hard so expect a very unstable framerate.
The thing is your CPU is very outdated. And even with a good CPU you'd still run it, barely at 40-50 fps at Ultra settings. On medium or so, you might get 60+ fps.

So you can always try to lower as much as you can to run the game. And it might work, especially since you can run BF1 also. But as mentioned, your fps overall might be decent, but expect fps drops or crashes.