can I play fortnite?

Mar 25, 2018
]My graphics card:
Intel® G41 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1)

My processor:
Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz

I can run and play the game, but my gameplay is always very high white light where the whole screen isn't visible other than the green bright grass or a purple bright sky. If it helps I have windows 10, 64-bit.

Short answer- no.

Long answer, you only have a slower dual core CPU. Fortnite is well optimized but that's not really enough CPU for it. Second problem is you need a videocard for a game like that. I'd need to know specifics of what exact motherboard you have to see if you have any worthwhile CPU upgrade options.
Short answer- no.

Long answer, you only have a slower dual core CPU. Fortnite is well optimized but that's not really enough CPU for it. Second problem is you need a videocard for a game like that. I'd need to know specifics of what exact motherboard you have to see if you have any worthwhile CPU upgrade options.
Go to google and type "can i run fortnite" and select first option. It will take you to Then download a simple script of theirs which will check your PC parameters and it will literally say you the result.

It really isnt that hard, is it?

Also, another tool: -> type in your PC specs, check them and it will tell you whether you can upgrade 1 component, or you need a whole new system.
what motherboard and ram and psu you have, here is processors supported By your chipset

after we know what you have and compatibility is guaranteed there is quad cores available which can run it decent even with stock, lets compare your cpu to quad core same socket

1. your cpu benchmark :
2. quad core ( less than 50 euros from china new or used maybe 30 euros)
forgot to mention you need gpu still but atleast cpu shouldnt be issue, depending on your motherboard supports overclocking that could add another 500-1000 to your score. Evven with stock cooler if thermal paste is quality

On Aliexpress you can find them for 9 euros 😛
Bought mine from there.

Well we found the answer....
But we still dont know the OP budget :??:

Well we found the answer....
But we still dont know the OP budget :??:
btw budgetgamer how can you run fortnite with GTX 660 OEM 1.5GB , i cant max out everything with 670 because if i go highest with shadows it goes over 2gb vram is is max for my card. High shadows is 1950-2000 max and medium only 1750 vram. I use everything else maxed but shadows at medium and it runs great.

My GTX 660 OEM has a GTX 670 chip which performs as same as yours GPU or even better because i overclocked it to the limits.
I run everything at High and view distance at Epic and at 1080P resolution and capped the FPS at 60FPS and it is running constant at 60FPS without frame dips lower than 60FPS. I have a 60HZ monitor thats why i capped the FPS to 60. But Fortnite is more CPU demanded thats maybe i can run it with this GPU.
Send me a private message so we can talk more about this.