Can i play GOD OF WAR on pc

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Dec 9, 2012
Today i was at my friends game house. there i played this amazing game which is still not leaving my mind. i am really curious to know weather it is available for PC coz i played it on XBOX 360 which i dont have n i m not going to his place everyday. i need to play that game at least for 4 hours a day.

Please help me and also tell me the minimum requirement for game

My PC specs :
Processor- Intel Core 2 Duo 3Ghz
Ram - 8 Gb Corsair vengeance 1600
GPU - Sapphire radeon HD 6570 1GB
PSU - 700w corsair :sol:
I'm sure you mean "PS3" and not "Xbox 360". The God of War franchise is exclusively on Sony's line of hardware. Sorry, but you're as likely to see God of War for PC as you would Halo being released for the PS3.
I'm sure you mean "PS3" and not "Xbox 360". The God of War franchise is exclusively on Sony's line of hardware. Sorry, but you're as likely to see God of War for PC as you would Halo being released for the PS3.

Also, in order for the emulator to work, you need the BIOS. Any legal copy of an emulator will not include it, because it is not legal to own if you do not own the actual system. So essentially, if you want to stay legal, you have to buy it.
God of War 3 is for PS3 and the HD collection can be played on PS3.
As HEXiT has already said, it's completely illegal to a) provide information on where you can find illegal software and b) to download it.
The PS3 is a lot of money, but for what it is, it isn't that expensive in my opinion. I don't own one, but out of the other consoles, it's the one I think I might, due to its exclusives.
As a PC gamer, we generally own monitors that have multiple inputs. I connect mine via DVI but I have a HDMI input.
I also own the Logitech Z-5500 which has an optical in cable, thus, it wouldn't be much of a bother connecting it to my PC peripherals.
Another thought did occur to me. Was it God of War or Gears of War as you couldn't remember whether it was a PS3 or Xbox 360. If it is Gears of War, the first one is available for PC. It's alright and looks better on PC.

Its not Gears of war its GOD OF WAR. guys thanks for ya reply anyways.
Think ill just have to wait then
You download Bittorent, which is the program used to download torrents. You go to the Pirate Bay (search it on google), and download the torrent. Losers.. You know jay-walking is illegal, also. You know why hardly anyone goes to jail for it. Because it is next to impossible to track and enforce.
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