JasonL265 :
If your power supply only has a single cable, then the PSU itself probably isn't meant for SLI and does not supply enough power for two cards. How many watts is your PSU?
I think for GTX 960s SLI you need like 600 Watts, i would go for 750 just to be safe since yours are SSCs.
Ah, that's not what I meant. It's an 850W XFX Pro Black Edition, more than enough to power two 960s. There are plenty of PCI-e cables, but I'm just wondering if I can just use one instead of two, for the sake of cable management.
And by using one, I mean it's fully modular, and a single PCI-e cables has TWO 6+2-pin headers, probably meant to power cards with two power inputs. I want to know if I can use ONE of those to power TWO cards.