Can I properly install a Graphics card in safe mode? (Windows 8.1)


Jun 27, 2015
I have had some issues with my computer resulting in a new power supply and hard drive. Everything works properly withought my Radeon R9 270x graphics card plugged in, but when i plug it in, windows does not start properly. It goes to throught the 3 second bios stage, then the blue windows 8.1 logo screen with a loading circle, but after that, it has some screen issues, flickers back to my bios stage and then fails to boot windows 8.1. It goes to the blue screen saying windows did not start correctly with the troubleshooting options. Keep in mind, The graphics card worked fine before running on a different PS and Hard drive(UEFI), but now with a hard drive that i installed windows on personally(what i beleive to be called a legacy type drive), the graphics card has issues with. I do not beleive the PS is bad because 1) it is brand new, 2) the bios shows that it is running at optimal levels 3) it is 750 watt continuous which is more than enought to handle my graphics card and everything. So I then tried booting up in safe mode with the graphics card plugged IN, and it works in safe mode.
So my question is: Can I properly install the drivers and for it to make it work? Or should I try something else?

Computer specs:
8 GB Ram
MSI Radeon R9 270x Graphics card
Corsair CX750m Power Supply
Seagate 1TB Hard Drive.
Original computer was Asus 64 bit M11BB
Windows 8.1

Any help will be appreciated
Did your psu come with extra pci-e connectors? Make sure you have at least one of them connected to your graphics card if it is supported

You can also open windows event viewer and check error logs for anything regarding your graphics card and post them here