Can I really clean out the dust stuck down the key with compressed air?


Apr 20, 2013
A lot of dust stuck down the keys of my keyboard. I am not able to clean them out with a brush.
The problem is I sometimes need to re-hit a key this is very frustrating. It's a delicate wireless keyboard
so I don't want to collide it with the table to push out the dust.... but will compressed air really work? I don't have one and not a one easily to buy nearby


Make and model keyboard?

Air can work but you can also "blast" the debris in tighter. Or condensation can form on the keys.

What I do is spread out a couple of paper towels or some cloth, turn the keyboard upside down over the towel, and then firmly but gently tap the ends and sides of the keyboard with the heel of my hand.

All sorts of gunk can fall out.

After that, if a problem continues, de-cap the key and clean more with a soft brush.

Overall, read the keyboard's User Guide/Manual with respect to cleaning and removing key caps.