Can i return pc parts?


Sep 21, 2016
i recently bough a new pc (around 2 months ago) well parts on their own but i thought of it yesterday, and i would want to go with intel instead :s i have fx 8350, msi 970 gaming mobo and 8gb of ram. I bought the processor on scan and the rest on amazon due to the prices. And i was wondering if i could return these parts..? I would get z170 a, i3 6100 and 16gb DDR4 ram (ballistics i think). If i can return these parts i think that it would be worth it really really much since i have a possibility of upgrading my cpu to the i7 6700k in future which i probably will want to do.
thank you
You will have to contact the seller, but lets be honest. After 2 months of use it may not work out for you.

Amazon is very good with returns, but again the 2 month thing may not help.
even if nothing is damaged/faulty or anything right? well that kind of sucks, just gotta wait for the money and sell the used parts on ebay maybe next year ;s thanks for help anyway 😀
Nothing is faulty, but it may be hard to sell a cpu that has had use and the thermal paste has been used(they would need new stuff).

I am sure you will get some time out of that system either way.

From Return Policy

Items shipped from, including Warehouse Deals, can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment in most cases. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.