Can i run 4 displays at once with GTX 750ti?


Feb 14, 2014
Im using an Asus GTX 750 TI 2GB GDDR5 graphics card in my computer. It has 4 ports, 2 DVI, 1 VGA and 1 HDMI.
Up til now I've only been using the HDMI on my TV but I'm getting a workstation together and its time to buy the monitors. I would like to have 3 monitors on an arm mount on my desk. I think i can do that with my card. I mean i have 3 available ports. But i was reading a couple other threads and some say you can and some say you can't. They made it sound like if i use my 2 DVI ports for monitors i won't be able to use the VGA along side them.
Can anyone confirm this? I would really like to have 3 monitors for my computer and i want to be able to drag windows between any of them. I also intend on running an HDMI cable above the ceiling to the TV so i can continue to use the TV to watch movies and shows using my computer. So i would be using all 4 ports available on my card. I would also like to be able to drag something from my desk monitors onto the TV if i like, but before i go buy all these cables and monitors i would like to know if this is going to work.



Retired Moderator


afik the 750 can handle 2 monitor at once, it coems with 3 conectors, usually one is dvi i, hdmi and the othe is displayport

you say yours has 2 dvi ports, one should be dvi i and theo ther dvi d

the dvi d will not work with the adapter to convert dvi to vga, only the dvi i

perhaps one dvi, one hdmi and one displayport is what you can get but for sure, 2 monitor one in dvi and one in hdmi


Retired Moderator
The GPu the OP has is 1xVGA, 1x DVI-D, 1x DVI-I and 1x HDMI.

I'd be very surprised if they cannot run all the digital connectors (DVI-I-DVI-D, DVI-D - DVI-D and HDMI-HDMI).
Putting an analog signal into the mix though, I'm not sure if 4 would be possible.
What I've read is due to the way the displays are controlled by some clock on the card, if you're using HDMI or VGA or DVI then 3 is the most you can run. The clock simply won't allow more. This was supposed to be one of the big selling points of display port. DP does not use that clock, which removes that 3 limit. This why multi-monitor setups invariably use DP.

So it's not the number of outputs you have that matters. You could have 10 outputs, it doesn't mean you can use them all at the same time.


Feb 14, 2014
Okay, so lets say i have all 3 monitors and my tv connected at one time. If i turn one of my monitors off would it display to my tv then? I could make that work. I mean when I'm watching tv my monitors wouldnt need to be on.
My intended set up would be HDMI to TV.
And the 2 DVI to monitors and the VGA to a monitor.


it is very likely that you can only run dvi i, hdmi and 1 vga, but for sure, guaranteed, vga and hdmi

i would proceed to buy just two monitors and see how that goes, since you already have the gpu, all you have to do now is test

i do recomend to buy instead of many monitors, one or two ultrawide monitors, less hassle, alot more simpler, less cables and less space


Feb 14, 2014
Ive got a couple old monitors around the house. Im gonna go buy a dvi to vga adapter so i can hook them all up at once. Ive got 2 monitors and 2 tvs. I will run the second tv with a dvi to hdmi cable i have. And see if that works. I was debating 2 and 3 monitors for a while. I did some shopping but I've decided on 3 23" asus monitors. The Asus VC239H to be exact. I will be using my computer to do video editing and photoshop type stuff. I also do gaming and youtube. So i want to have 3 screens. I am going to buy a 4th monitor but that will be connected to me capture card inside my computer. The 4th monitor will be just for gaming. I left that one out because my graphics card won't be handling this one.

I do have another slot in my computer for a graphics card if i want. Could i install another cheap card to get all 4 displays working? Or perhaps use my onboard graphics along side my graphics card? Not sure if thats possible. I suppose it wouldnt hurt to try. My computer has AMDs A8 Trinity APU in it. The computer itself has both a DVI and VGA on the board aside from the ports on my card.


for those tasks, that gpu, is not a good choice

1 monitor goes to vga, the second to dvi i to vga, the this is dvi d to hdmi and the last one to hdmi, sounds like a good plan

add another gpu, a cheap one sounds like a perfect plan b
If you have issues with this plan, it is caused by the fact you're trying to do something with the videocard, tvs, and monitors that they weren't designed to do- work in a four monitor setup.

Videocards with display port output and monitors/tvs with display port inputs are designed for this kind of thing. This means of course that you'd need to invest in the proper components. The price for doing things on the cheap is the hassles you get trying to make it all work, if it works at all.


Feb 14, 2014
Just to update, i haven't been able to get to the store to buy an adapter yet but I'm going to tonight after traffic dies down. But i have 1 TV hooked to the HDMI on my card. 1 TV hooked to a DVI on my card through a DVI to HDMI, and I have 1 monitor hooked to VGA and all of them are working properly. Wasn't hard to set them up at all. My computer recognized them immediately. So i have 1 DVI port left, I will go buy an adapter so i can hook it up to another monitor i have that has an integrated VGA cable (its an old monitor) and see if it works. If they all work then id say 4 monitors is a go.
Also both the DVI ports on my card appear to be DVI-D. I just checked them a moment ago with an image i found on google.


great news, i could swear that the limit for this card was 3 monitors, being one a vga, your model seems to be meant for this task

now, remember that is just a gtx 750ti, is not the fastest gpu out there and has limitations, so no 4k on all monitors :D


Feb 14, 2014

I picked this answer as the solution because the solution ended up being that i had to test it to find out.
Thanks for all the help you guys!