N ningakat Reputable Aug 4, 2015 7 0 4,510 Jan 20, 2016 #1 can i run an msi 970 off of a 750 watt psu? if not (if so anyway) its old and crappy and keeps on shutting down so any suggestions of new ones?
can i run an msi 970 off of a 750 watt psu? if not (if so anyway) its old and crappy and keeps on shutting down so any suggestions of new ones?
Solution F F Forest_1 Jan 20, 2016 A 750 watt would be perfect and i have suggestion that may fit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Series-Modular-Bronze-ATX12V/dp/B00ALK3KEM
A 750 watt would be perfect and i have suggestion that may fit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Series-Modular-Bronze-ATX12V/dp/B00ALK3KEM
F Forest_1 Reputable Dec 1, 2015 45 0 4,560 Jan 20, 2016 Solution #2 A 750 watt would be perfect and i have suggestion that may fit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Series-Modular-Bronze-ATX12V/dp/B00ALK3KEM Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
A 750 watt would be perfect and i have suggestion that may fit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Series-Modular-Bronze-ATX12V/dp/B00ALK3KEM
L Lodhi12 Reputable Jan 17, 2016 134 0 4,710 Jan 20, 2016 #3 Don't use a crappy old PSU on such a good card. You might damage the GPU. I got a Corsair VS 650 for my Gigabyte GTX G1 970... And its awesome, and cheaper too... Upvote 0 Downvote
Don't use a crappy old PSU on such a good card. You might damage the GPU. I got a Corsair VS 650 for my Gigabyte GTX G1 970... And its awesome, and cheaper too...