Can I Run BF4 and Ghosts?


Aug 25, 2013
AMD Athlon X4 750K 3.4 GHz
XFX Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 RAM
Can I run them?

wrong, 7770 can run bf4 at 1080p medium settings...35-50 fps
You could run BF4 on lower settings at a decent resolution (1600 X 900). COD Ghosts, I have seen it bring SLI Titan systems to under 35fps ... because it is absolutely horribly optimized. Also, just stick to Black Ops 2... it's much better than Ghosts.

wrong, 7770 can run bf4 at 1080p medium settings...35-50 fps
Apparently you have never played BF4 with a 7770 during a 64 player match on flood zone. I was forced to turn basically everything to low and drop my resolution to 1600 x 900 for playable frame rates.

That was on an i5 2500k with 8GB of 1600 Mhz ram and the 7770 @ 1150 Mhz / 1500 Mhz.